An Alien's
A Timekeeper's


Mar. 23rd, 2025 I'm trying to fix up my website now and give it a makeover!

Oct. 23rd, 2024 I coded in this update tab! It had a unique effect on some other things on my website.. but it actually turned out to make them look cooler! So no complaints!

Oct. 22nd, 2024 Officially have my own domain, from now on it's! I also did some university work today.. studying to be a game artist!!

Oct. 21st, 2024 I'm getting very comfortable on Bluesky! Please come join me!

Aug. 29th, 2024 New site created, upgraded from the last!

Ukiyo & Kyo's

Utopia Forged Online.

you've stumbled upon a lonely alien's sanctuary, their own ufo (utopia forged online).

Crafted meticulously with love by the unique friendly outcast, UFOkiyo.

A pixel art divider.

    welcome     You've crash landed on my landing page, perfect! My name is Ukiyo (though you could also call me Uki, Kyo or Novella; I have multiple names). I am an original character artist studying to be a game artist who loves to support others! My aspiration in life is to embrace self-expression in it's entirety through artistic means.I am quite the detail-oriented person so please forgive me that my website is highly detailed and ever-expanding (like myself; the website before you in itself is one of my art projects of self-expression)! Well, feel free to be like an astronaut and explore my website like a newly discovered planet! After all, we don't get many visitors!My accounts/spaces are friendly for all ages but note that I am an adult myself!

Home Base.

Become your own lover, your own friend. Out of everyone in the world, you are the only you. You are the only one who knows your true self.

you are your own soulmate.

"Welcome to our UFO! Make yourself at home and while we brew you some tea."

An illustration of Ukiyo and Kyo

    site button    

A small blue button with gold accents reading "ufokiyo". It has ribbons, ruffles, stars and a UFO.

Feel free to link my website!If you have a cool website of your own feel free to share it with me! I might like to link to yours!

    message     I treasure my mutuals/followers! Please don't ever worry if you become inactive or don't talk to me as I believe we can always pick up where we left off! I think that's how the strongest friendships can be made. I don't forget my positive interactions or when someone has helped me. Just please make sure you're taking care of yourself first and foremost; and if you wanted to chat or needed help with something feel free to direct message me! I'll try my best to get to it though I might take a while to reply!Thank you to all my mutuals/followers who've been supporting me for so long, the artists who've drawn my characters, and the people who have listened to me talk! If you're reading this I hope you have a spacetacular day! (While we're at it, an amazing life as well.. and it still applies even if you're not reading this!)

let the sea of dreams float me away on the raft of my bed, far into a starlit ocean where imagination comes to life at it’s shore. where blue roses bloom by my bedside and sprout on my mattress, and i wait for the prince of daylight to rescue me.

    introduction     Hello, I'm Ukiyo! I'm a very slow artist with around a hundred original characters! I really love to support other artists & help others when I'm not busy! I commission a lot of art of my characters who are like friends & family to me, work on my sites, write for my original characters, create assets, cover songs, write poetry and wear lolita fashion! (I have a lot of hobbies!) I really love to support artists & others with their creative endeavours.

An illustration of Ukiyo and Kyo

I try to be my true self and many of my posts may be about my own self-discovery, development or feelings! I use the internet to archive my experiences or thoughts. Thank you for checking out my website and please, don't be afraid to interact with me. I know what it's like to feel left out, so I hope that I make you feel welcome!I have a huge love of website design so this site will most likely update time to time with newer things or more sections! Thank you for checking it out nonetheless and enjoy your stay!

I have three personas, the ones you'll see the most are Ukiyo and Kyo! They are my inspiration to love myself and represent how I achieved my own self-love; by becoming two (or more) people!

They are reincarnated lovers that have taken the form of twins. They were both blessed by the goddess, who imparted the largest part of their soul within the two.Sealed with a part of the goddess' power within them; Ukiyo has the ability to manipulate space, and Kyo has the power to manipulate time. However, they were both cursed by this god. Ukiyo was born without a mouth or voice while Kyo was born with the inability to perform magic. A manifestation of the goddess' trauma and dissonance.

A blue anti AI logo.

I am against AI generated images!Support human artists! Clicking on any image on this site will take you to the original artist of that artwork! If the image link doesn't work, the artist has left their social media.If you see your art and you've changed your username feel free to let me know to fix the link!

All artworks on this website were either drawn by me, gifted to me or commissioned by me, please do not steal them!


An illustration of Ukiyo and Kyo

Stellutations, welcome to my website! It might be updated as time goes on as I really love website design and I'm always seeking to improve my skills! Please be patient with me as some sections are still under construction and I can be quite the perfectionist.

An illustration of Ukiyo and Kyo

"Now you can say you've met an alien!"

A pixel art divider.

    my art showcase    

Click on any image in the galleries to go to the original post! Supporting any of them would be much appreciated!

    introduction     Hello, I'm Ukiyo! I'm a very slow artist with around a hundred original characters! I really love to support other artists & help others when I'm not busy! I commission a lot of art of my characters who are like friends & family to me, work on my sites, write for my original characters, cover songs, write poetry and wear lolita fashion! (I have a lot of hobbies!) I really love to support artists & others with their creative endeavours.I try to be my true self and many of my posts may be about my own self-discovery, development or feelings! I use the internet to archive my experiences or thoughts. Thank you for checking out my website and please, don't be afraid to interact with me. I know what it's like to feel left out, so I hope that I make you feel welcome!

"Welcome to our UFO! Make yourself at home and while we brew you some tea."

I treasure my mutuals/followers! Please don't ever worry if you become inactive or don't talk to me as I believe we can always pick up where we left off! I think that's how the strongest friendships are. I don't forget my positive interactions or when someone has helped me. Just please make sure you're taking care of yourself first and foremost; and if you wanted to chat or needed help with something feel free to direct message me!Thank you to all my mutuals/followers who've been supporting me for so long, the artists who've drawn my characters, and the people who have listened to me talk! If you're reading this I hope you have an amazing day! (While we're at it, an amazing life as well.. and it still applies even if you're not reading this!)If you haven't yet, I would suggest reading my boundaries here before interacting with me. Thank you so much for checking out my website!I have a huge love of website design so this site will most likely update time to time with newer things or more sections! Thank you for checking it out nonetheless and enjoy your stay!

let the sea of dreams float me away on the raft of my bed, far into a starlit ocean where imagination comes to life at it’s shore. where blue roses bloom by my bedside and sprout on my mattress, and i wait for the prince of daylight to rescue me.


feeling:so-so, trying to be productive.
reading:my mutual's commission information (saving for later)!
watching:random youtube documentaries, coding tutorials.
playing:9 rip, infinity nikki, fields of mistria.
listening:anything nilfruits, iyowa or lone-pi.
thinking:questioning who i am.
working on:commissions, university work.

    site button    

A small blue button with gold accents reading "ufokiyo". It has ribbons, ruffles, stars and a UFO.

Feel free to link my website!

A blue anti AI logo.

I am against AI generated images!
Support human artists! Clicking on any image on this site will take you to the original artist of that artwork! If the image link doesn't work, the artist has left their social media.
If you see your art and you've changed your username feel free to let me know to fix the link! Please let me also know if I credited anyone incorrectly.

All artworks on this website were either drawn by me, gifted to me or commissioned by me, please do not steal them!

A pixel art divider.

    recent received gifts    

A pixel art divider.

    recent received commissions    

A pixel art divider.

Lyrics ♫ : Out of my reach a, shadow flickers on and off. Sad as it may be- everything, will be lost. Not even my existence.. is clear in my eyes. But still I keep living.. a melancholic, unhappy life. As your tears spiral down; you forget the here and now, not even my voice is re-re-reaching you. Raise up your eyes, witness the vacant sky; it's replaced, by our very own eternal tearful twilight.

- Twilight Teardrops
by nostraightanswer & Empath-P,
English lyrics by UFOkiyo.

Lyrics ♫ : Out of my reach a, shadow flickers on and off. Sad as it may be- everything, will be lost. Not even my existence.. is clear in my eyes. But still I keep living.. a melancholic, unhappy life. As your tears spiral down; you forget the here and now, not even my voice is re-re-reaching you. Raise up your eyes, witness the vacant sky; it's replaced, by our very own eternal tearful twilight.

- Twilight Teardrops
by nostraightanswer & Empath-P,
English lyrics by UFOkiyo.

A pixel art divider.

    recent received commissions    

    recent received gifts    


If there is anything I'd want to be in this world; it would have to be myself. It's something no one else can be..

no matter what we are, we're always ourselves aren't we?

    social media update     After November 15th Twitter's terms of service will be updating to allow all posted media (text, videos, images) to be used in AI training, as well as handing over all rights to said media to their company. I do not agree with these changes and therefore have been more active on Bluesky, if you would like to follow me there please do. It is the butterfly icon button in my header!I've had a positive experience on Bluesky thus far and will gladly help anyone moving there from Twitter to adjust, I am also still adjusting and it's difficult building up from scratch; but I have hope!    general update     As it's the end of the year I may be more inactive trying to finish my university work! Sorry about that.

    health update     As of writing this (October 24th) I've had a headache for over a month. In the past month, I have caught a virus as well as gone to the ER and had a CT scan done. At the moment I believe my head ache is nerve damage caused by untreated concussions/head trauma, but if it doesn't resolve after physiotherapy I will consider getting a MRI.

plans/to-do list


Everyone deserves a space that feels safe to them; we all only live one life after all. For some of us, that space fits inside our pocket!

we all should have our own little sanctuaries.

"Please read these to make sure we can both stay safe!"

VERY IMPORTANT! I may reply late to messages/replies or miss them, in which case feel free to just message me again especially if it's important.I have both ADHD and RSI, meaning I forget to reply to things while simultaneously having pain in my hands that I need to rest for long periods of times. There is a good chance I see your reply or message but cannot respond due to my hands or having a low social battery. I try to bookmark or keep a mental note to come back to it once I can respond. But if I forget please do remind me! It is inevitable that sometimes I will.

I have ADHD and RSI (potentially autism too).
I have a job and I'm currently studying (so please don't expect me to be online all the time).
My account is safe for minors, I will not interact with sexual or explicit content as it's part of my trauma.
I repost/retweet a lot of art, especially from mutuals.
I talk about me and my personal life on my account (it's my account after all). I am an individual not a business!
Not a fandom account, I tend to stick to general art community & original characters.
I'm free to message if you need help with something you think I could help with.
Please don't compare my characters to other characters..
You are racist, homophobic, transphobic or sexist.
You are ableist (physical and mental disabilities).
You are a pedophile, loli/shotacon or zoophile (or have any other problematic attraction).
You are an AI "artist" and/or support AI art.
If you're a solely NSFW account and/or if you don't tag NSFW art/images with a proper content warning.
You are going to sexualise me or any of my characters.
You are a troll, toxic, manipulative, abusive and/or looking to start drama.
You make jokes about sexual assault/abuse and/or think that's funny and an okay thing to do.
You don't respect artists & creatives.
NSFW content (especially if depicting some kind of power imbalance), yanderes, playboy bunny suits, anything with obvious lewd implications, abuse (any form, physical, sexual or emotional) & assault being taken lightly or being made fun of (I'm okay with the subject matter itself, just when it's handled poorly it triggers me).

I am a physical, emotional and sexual abuse survivor & have PTSD. I have an aversion to NSFW as it triggers memories or feelings associated with trauma. This might mean if you're a NSFW account I'll very likely limit my interaction with you.I may mute/block people on my DNI. Please don't take it personally, it is for the sake of my own health & trying to curate a safe environment for myself! You don't need to block me first, I'll look through & determine myself if I'll be okay around your account.


I may not be a human being, but I love; I live, I feel and grow like one. Is there anything wrong with being different?

i'll find people who love me no matter what i am.

the goddess created their creations in their own likeness; that is to say, the goddess created themselves in their own image. could a creator truly be their own creation? am i.. one of them?

    about me     I am mostly called Uki, but some people call me Kiyo or Kyo! I've been drawing and singing ever since I learnt how to do them! I pick up a lot of different hobbies and try a lot of different things. I have multiple personas and always thread parts of myself into all of my characters. To me they are my friends, not just my children! It feels like they have written themselves and I'm just someone learning & docmenting them.I want to do my best bettering the world as much as I can, although I know I'm only one person; as well as learn more new things about myself! I love helping others and aspire to be a genuine person who is loved for being themselves! If I'm able to, I want to also inspire others to love and be themselves as well!

At times I see myself as an original character that I myself have wrote; able to go through character arcs and character development. So on this page, I may write myself like how I would for a one of my character's profiles. I think that would be interesting!

I have two personas, one is called Ukiyo and another is called Kyo! They are two separate characters that represent two halves of me. I also have my third persona Novella who represents me as a combined, singular person. My personas are a big part of myself!

  • Name : Ukiyo/Kyo/Novella

  • Age : 20 years old

  • Birthday: February 21st

  • Nationality: Australian (Born and raised)

  • Ethnicity: Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean (Mostly Viet)

  • Pronouns : They/Them, He/Him, She/Her. (See my preferences here)

  • Gender: Genderfluid/omniafluid

  • Orientation: Pan, autoromantic, greysexual, ambiamorous

Sun Sign:Pisces-AquariusMoon Sign:Pisces
Ascendant Sign:ScorpioEnneagram Type:4
MBTI:INFPTarot Card:The World

    personality analysis     Always passionate and excited about their hobbies or what they love, with their head often in the stars. Has problems with loneliness as they often reflect on themselves and their experiences, losing sight of what and who is directly in front of them. Is very whimsical and sentimental, trying to find a metaphor in everything. Loves helping others and lending an ear, but has a tendency to go too far and stretch themselves thin, forgetting to also take care of themselves. Has a hard time relying on others.

Expressive, expresses themselves through many means.
Creative, always seems to have new ideas.
Self-aware, does a lot of self-reflection & knows themselves well.
Empathetic, finds it easy to understand other's feelings.
Distant & detached, seems like they're off in their own world.
Overcommitted, starts a lot of projects and commits to more they can do.
Self-involved, busy thinking about themselves they don't notice others.
Self-sacrificing, sacrifices their own health or comfort for others.
Affectionate, really loves showing platonic affections.
Whimsical, does whatever they feel like.
Sentimental, sees meaning even in the mundane.
Melancholic, has an air of melancholy hanging over them.


  • Poetry/literature

  • Original characters

  • Art, every kind

  • Lolita fashion

  • Visual novels

  • Singing/music

  • Sunshine

  • Rain

  • Friends/mutuals

  • Bubbles

  • Being in water

  • Deeper meanings

  • Moths, butterflies, spiders

  • Tea, boba tea

  • The ocean

  • Many different birds

  • Roleplaying, playing pretend

  • Uplifting others

  • Being small enough to be carried

  • Guiding/helping people through things

  • Sleeping in/napping

  • Blankets, building pillow forts


  • Having sensory issues

  • A lot of certain foods

  • Superficiality

  • Drama, rumours

  • Mean/disrespectful people

  • Transphobes

  • Homophobes

  • Racists

  • Anything overly sexual

  • Art thieves & AI "art"

  • Being misunderstood

  • Being unhygienic

  • Being manipulated/controlled

  • Cold showers

  • Dealing with/having my RSI

  • Having ADHD daytime dreariness

  • Wearing socks to bed

  • Awkward social situations

  • High-end brands that can't justify their prices

  • Trash or litter in a public space

  • Interacting with large fandoms

  • Not being seen as my true self

FoodWagyu beef, fish & chips, miso soup, onion
DrinkJasmine, green and oolong tea, hot chocolate
TimeLate nights or early mornings
Name I'm CalledAssociated Meaning
Ukiyo/Uki"You're free and loved just as yourself."
Kyo"You're important to me & you're my friend."
Novella"It's still only the beginning of your story."


  • I've spent over $3,500 USD on commissions for my original characters! (Have fun looking at all the art on this site it's only a fraction of the art I have of my characters.)

  • I learnt the flute and piano, but my hands are too small to reach an octave or cover my entire flute.

  • I'm known locally for blowing bubbles and wearing lolita.

  • I've had the habit of typing in grammar for 10+ years and picked it up initially because it was the easiest for others to understand when I needed to help them!

  • My favourite dessert are macarons and anything chocolate!

  • I have around 100 original characters! Most were characters I adopted.

  • Despite my personas and aesthetic, my favourite colour is purple.

  • I was in choir and did vocal lessons.

  • I have my hair covering one eye! I have for a long time, it's sort of become something I'm known for.

  • I have a pet chihuahua! I love him so, so much!

  • One of my parents is adopted and another is a refugee. They are both from Vietnam and due to the adoption, half my family is Australian!

  • I have terrible cold resistance! Sometimes needing to wear upwards of 7-8 layers in the winter and it doesn't even snow where I live.

  • I sleep in a loft bed, I've never had a bed on the ground before.

  • My biggest inspiration for starting art is my auntie who's a famous painter, growing up she was like a second mother to me!

  • I don't know how to up my tie hair! I never learnt.


  • To have working hands that don't hurt so much. I've had RSI since 2021, age 17. I can't draw, play video games or interact with others online without the fear my hands will flare up. So one day, I hope to fix my hands!

  • Help others! I want to help others in some way, to be of use, to make other's lives easier.. for others to know I care about and love them.

  • Get better at 3D modelling & becoming a game artist.

  • Try out streaming/VTubing! It sounds interesting, if not streaming I'd like to do some form of content creation where I can show my appreciation for others or share my interests.

  • Expressing myself, getting healthier and happier with my life & leaving my trauma behind me.

  • Cosplaying either of my personas.. or both! I'd love to have more to remind me of them too, such as keychains, stickers.. dolls or plushies of them..

  • I want to be a booth artist! I want to make cute things related to my interests that others can buy.

  • I want to make templates or assets for others to use!

  • To complete my studies.

  • Executing uncountable ideas of things I want to draw or try drawing..

  • Getting closer to others and befriending more people!

  • Finishing writing and coding my Toyhouse! And commissioning more artworks of my characters.

  • To save up money for my future!

  • To hopefully one day propose to my blue rose!

  • Finishing all the pretty websites I own!

    my online presence     I started on Twitter in 2019, but only truly became active in 2020. At first no one noticed my art, but I started to draw fanart for more popular artists and interacted with others. That was how I slowly got more eyes on me! I'm passionate about design and original characters. A lot of people know me for supporting other artists. I call out a lot of art thieves; sometimes leading me to other sites and doing a lot of investigating. Some even dared to steal from my own mutuals! That's something I can't let slide. I've also called out scammers and made threads generally supporting artists in hopes they motivate others.I aspire to use my platform to uplift other creatives and create a safe space where we can all support eachother! Not only that, but to be mindful of other's journeys or health and how we're all different people at different stages in our life. I find so much happiness in seeing the unique creations others make and want to foster & support others to create what they desire.I definitely didn't expect to be at the point that I am now. On Twitter I reached 100 followers in March 2020, 1,000 followers in January 2021 and 10,000 in July 2024. I never thought I'd have a platform, but since I do I want to use it for good and try bringing others up with me; and to make meaningful connections!

    my art & writing journey     I started drawing from a very young age, it always made me happy as a child when I drew something new and showed others; since my parents & teachers always praised me for my art! I had a notable fascination with rainbows and drawing them, which is still reflected in my original characters (who together form a rainbow). Artists such as Sui Ishida and Aoi Ogata inspired me to start digital art, as well as other artists I saw on social media!I was first a roleplayer before I took original character owning and writing seriously, often roleplaying in online games making up magical or mysterious scenarios while using the world around me. I first had my two personas, but then I found out about the concept of adoptables and found so much joy writing out the relationships between my characters.

i wake up on the shore, the prince of daylight has now vanquished all the stars in the ocean. i pick off the blue roses that started to grow on me in my sleep, a difficult task with their black thorns daring to prick my hand. the ocean is now a dazzling light.

⚠︎ WARNING: I will touch on some personal things in my life in this section that may be unpleasant such as abuse.

    my life voyage     At my core I have a very difficult time getting along with others, I often feel like I'm an alien. Likely because of abuse and mistreatment I've endured, but I have always felt like an alien even before my trauma. I've always felt different.. maybe because I'm queer and neurodivergent. My trauma has impacted me severely and shaped me into who I am today. But something that hasn't changed is that I try to approach everything with good intentions and I find myself caring about others very easily, no matter how many times I get hurt and want to shun humanity and all it's populace.I was stalked & harassed for 7 years by who I considered my best friend and was heavily abused by a partner at age 13. I've spent countless days thinking over my memories.. writing poetry, analysing myself and reflecting upon human nature.. but I arrive at the conclusion that there is no neat, beautiful reason for what happened to me. I've blamed myself many times, for my faulty heart for caring, for beating in the first place, for existing in this world for them to abuse. I feel like I've only just learnt how to stop blaming myself. They told me I harm everything I touch; that I made them the monsters who hurt me. That no one loves or likes me. That I don't love; that I do not feel emotions or have a heart.Why did I listen to them? Because I loved them.. my former friends, my lover, my best friend. I loved them very dearly, their words and feelings mattered to me. I was a tool for venting, a vendor of validation, a human lifeline and an object to have power over. They said they loved me, but the truth was they treated me less than a human being. Friends or people I trusted weren't my friends, they turned on me for any shallow reason or only wanted to use me. I had to navigate my abuse alone, which is why I view myself as my own parental figure and child; I am my own entire family. I see myself as my own lover because those who claim to have loved me have failed me; and my heart is overall not open to trusting anyone to stay by my side anymore.I substitute my loneliness with my personas and characters. Through them, I will never be alone as long as I have me. If I cannot open my heart because everyone is fated to hurt me, I at least will grant myself safety trapped within my own heart. I'll learn to love myself, and love myself so much, so brightly; that I can survive even in a loveless reality. I will love myself as I have loved others; unconditionally. I am the lover and the loved. I am me, but I am also everything. A pair of lovers, a family, a group of friends..Entering my 20s in 2024, I've finally been set free of every abusive cycle I had. Though it may take a long time, I desire and hope strongly to learn how to count myself among humanity; to find reciprocated friendship, love and comfort. One that may be from other lovely human beings instead of only my reflections. Everyday I take small steps, loving a bit more of myself or the world around me despite how fearful I am of others. One day I hope to love and find love, almost just like none of the awful things in my life ever happened!

I've been raised on video games! If it says "completed" that means I finished the main story, that it doesn't have a story, or that I've at least finished one full run of it. The games below are games I've played!

"I've retold the same story so many times.. are you really okay with hearing it again?"


"There's a lot about myself I want to say and share.. this is my page to do so! It'll be full of thoughts and will probably give insight to who I am. Don't feel pressured to read anything!"

ㅤmy backgroundㅤ I'm a proud Vietnamese-Australian, with one parent being a refugee and the other being an adoptee from Vietnam to Australia. I think that my background is really unique, the adoptive side of my family is Australian and the other side is Vietnamese!Unlike the rest of my Vietnamese side of my family, I can't speak or read Vietnamese although my family did make efforts to teach me when I was younger. This is because of my adoptive parent, who also didn't grow up knowing or learning Vietnamese. I often feel far removed from my culture because of my background, so it's very heartwarming when fellow Vietnamese try to make me feel welcome. I've visited Vietnam a few times, and I really love it there!I'm a really melancholic person who's very sentimental.. one day, I came across a dying butterfly while walking to the bus stop. I named him Crysellia, he's a monarch butterfly. I remember he died in my hands. That day.. I kept him safe in my glasses case until I went home and emptied a pot I kept jewelry in, I filled it with rose petals and made it his coffin.I'd say I'm someone who's very lonely. I have always felt different in ways I couldn't describe, and I often think there must be a reason I was a target of other's disdain. I was unfortunately bullied and abused for a lot of my life! But the worst part of it all was it was by people I love (I come to love others very easily). Deep down, I'm honestly shy when it comes to others- is what I'm saying going to annoy them? Not add to the conversation? Is there any point talking at all..? I'm so afraid of others that I even put this tab in it's own little hidden corner on my website after all, haha!But I think it's lovely, to let yourself be vulnerable and sentimental.. when others take advantage of you when you're trying to help them; it's not your fault that you wanted to help. It's their fault for using you. I know, it's really unfair.. and a lot of things in my life tell me I should quit being so kind. But I suppose I'm just a bit stubborn with keeping my heart open. I don't want my experiences to make me give up on others! If anything, I want to prove one day that kindness is the right choice.


This section will touch on potentially triggering topics such as physical & emotional abuse. Stay safe, be considerate of your own health!

"I survived, so please treasure me and never let me go."

ㅤtrue reflectionㅤ My name is "Ukiyo", it means to live carefree; because after what happened me, I found that I cannot afford to live any other way. My nickname "Kyo" too has a meaning— it means capital, because I so desperate desire to be the capital of my own life. My pen name "Novella" also means short story, not only from my small stature but also because I believed I wouldn't live long enough to see my life become a novel.I'm an emotional, physical and sexual abuse survivor; a victim of never giving up on the those I loved and tearing myself to shreds for the sake of their own happiness— starting at the age of 12 years old and ending in the current age this is being written, at 20.During my abuse, I created my persona to become my "blue rose", a person who understands me completely. A voice of reason within me who could tell me I was hurt when I was hurting, to question the actions of others where I could not and to tell me I am strong even in silence or obedience.Gradually, I learnt that I am my own blue rose, that I am my persona. All along, it was myself helping me through the melancholia, the anxiety and the abuse— and from this observation, it proves deep down no matter how I forget; I truly do love myself and think I deserve kindness as much as any other human does.

Please don’t mind the twilight tear drops
They spiral in fractals and splash the ground
Rising and filling me every night
It’s painful but bittersweet in each moonlight

I'll probably never know the true reason why it happened to me; but I wound up believing I was born as a magnet for misery. That I hurt every person I touched, and that it was my fault because I existed. So I locked myself away, fearing that if I got close to other humans that I may hurt them.I thought that being abused was my task on Earth. Of course— this was just something I gaslighted myself into believing so that my pain would be more bearable. That it'd all be worth it once I died after a life of servitude, because I would be able to go to heaven where no one could be hurt by me again and the angels could finally acknowledge how hard I fought for them to be happy.

I've always felt like an alien, it's a combination of the trauma I've endured and the fact I have ADHD. (Maybe also the fact I'm racially different from those around me.)My characters have been my friends where humans have failed me, but I also imbue them with parts of myself or the feelings I've felt. That way, when someone connects with one of my characters.. it can be like they are connecting to a part of me.To give me proof I'm not actually alone in this world, that I may not be an entirely different species; that I could be a wonderful human deserving of love like how I think everyone else is; it's an unlikely, different way of connection.

Abuse is really frightening, scary and tough to go through. I really loved the people who abused or harassed me. I always tried to see the best in them. I thought I was of use if they could vent their anger or frustrations out on me— even if I did nothing wrong..It was so difficult to escape because I had no one; when I tried to speak about my issues they weren't taken seriously enough. I kept getting abused and harassed behind closed doors that it reaffirmed within me that I deserved to be hurt. My family and friends who genuinely loved me didn't know.. and still, they didn't take it seriously. It allowed the abuse to fester and become worse.. until finally they deemed it serious enough to care.It's no wonder I feel mouthless, anyone would if it felt like every word you spoke held no weight.

do not

  • sexualise any of my characters

  • steal/copy any of my characters

  • offer on characters who are forever homed

  • take large inspiration from my characters

  • draw my characters with gore (blood okay)

  • force characters upon me (ask first)

  • dictate how i write my world/characters

  • race swap my characters

can do

  • draw my characters

  • draw my characters with your characters

  • talk to me about my characters

  • take small inspiration from my characters

  • draw my characters in other outfits

  • your characters friends with mine (ask first)

  • give me suggestions/headcanons

  • draw alternate universe versions of them

Race swapping in this case would be changing the hues of their hair and eyes (but PLEASE also don't change their skin tone too). In my world their race is correlated to their hair colour, eye colour and colour of their blood. Out of respect for their world please do not change these features on my characters. Please do not sexualise my characters because as they are extensions of me, it would be similar to sexualising me. Since all my characters mean a lot to me I consider things such as theft of my characters more extremely than others too. Thank you for respecting my characters! If you are unsure of something feel free to ask me. If you want to learn more about my characters feel free to check out my Toyhouse! Also please don't draw Ukiyo with a mouth!
As I finish more profiles on Toyhouse I will link them to the respective character here, many are currently being worked on in private.
You can find more about my characters by searching #UkiCharacterIntros, #UkiCharacterStories or #UkiCharacterFacts on Twitter. They're a little sporadic!

ㅤabout my personasㅤ My personas represent me! I have three in total, one being Novella who is the goddess of my entire world. They are a shapeshifter who must retain a disguise to get close to the world, causing them to usually look like an amalgamation of different original characters. They are unable to enter the world as it rejects them; sensing that they do not belong. This means they need to send their butterfly companions Crysellia and Shion to monitor the world for them instead! I would write about Novella, but you were reading about them on the home page this entire time. They wish vehemently to become one with their own world.

All my personas share my stature at 147cm/4'10" and birthday February 21st! My other two personas that I'm most known for are Uki and Kyo! They resemble different parts of me, but together form a complete me. They are very protective of eachother and have a relationship like that of siblings. The truth is that one is a clone of the other, but they both came out imperfect. Pitying their beloved creations, the goddess sealed the two abilities they used to create the universe within them; the power of time and space. The goddess wished to live in this world through them and watches them with much care through the eyes of their butterflies.

my night & melancholy

alienated blue, the vast world he lives; art is her lifeforce, and melancholy, their gift. hair flows like the waves, a dress that drifts like the ocean; eyes always speaking and yet no sound ever spoken.

Gladioli, butterfly milkweed, blue rose and baby’s breath.

"The stars told me it would not be so easy.. that is precisely why
I will be the one to prove them wrong."

Ukiyo is my beloved primary persona, they're the times I can't sleep at night and listen to music. The times I don't know what to say to others, when I feel all alone. They are my alienation and impossible love! They are the calm I feel from the sound of rain against my roof, and times I lay beneath the stars.

ㅤname:ㅤUkiyo Mai Yon
ㅤgender:ㅤGenderfluid & Intersex
ㅤorientation:ㅤPanromantic & Ace
ㅤalignment:ㅤTrue Neutral

They'll never love me for who I truly am;
And though that may bring me grief-
It grants an even sweeter allure,
Finding who would look beneath.
Would you look my way and see this alien,
Who could love but could not speak?
Will you help me on this journey chasing;
That blue rose I desperately try to reach?

Ukiyo is the dethroned heir of a planet called Nepulatune. After being born without a mouth and being seen as a blight upon the royal family, they were abandoned in an unknown galaxy. Despite the hardships of being mute and alienated, Ukiyo tries their very best to express themselves in all ways possible; trying to do this through art, appearance and literature.After living a solitary and depressing life, they were saved by a girl with light blue hair- only to find even among their own kind, they were different. As that girl passed away in her arms; they made one wish to redo their life and be her protector from the harsh truth- as that girl was her one and only true family in this entire world; she was the only one left to accept her. Her name was Aura, but she soon started to call herself Kyo.


  • Uki is mouthless under their mask and they were born that way.

  • They are unable to eat, and drink through their fingertips.

  • Uki changes appearances often because of their gender identity.

  • Uki has the power to manipulate space.

  • They seem to be committed to their best friend Zephyr!

  • They live on a moonbase on Yon, the largest moon of their planet.

  • Uki sleeps with a nightlight and loves swimming & drawing!

  • Uki is always curious about other people, especially if they are not like themselves.

my day & innocence

radiate; bright, the girl holds a plight, with each step as light as clouds. with a fate that seems to test all her might; eyes that reflect the blueness of the sky, a tea party for one so ever devout.

Delphinium, white rose, hoa mai and jasmine.

"I never knew that the sun was so beautiful, it's
like the entire sky is smiling upon me!"

Kyo is my doted on secondary persona, they are the times I run around affectionately hugging my friends. The times where I ramble on about my interests, the times I feel safe and welcome. She is my love for everyone and my innocence! The warm feelings that I have when I'm basking in the sunshine.

I braved the beautiful unknown storm,
So that I could finally smile.
I remember the days when it was forlorn,
So I've made it part of my style.
I'm so unsure, for what reason was I born;
For love that was never directed at me.
Could I too be so innocently adored;
Would you let me be part of your family?

name:ㅤKyo Mai Yon
ㅤorientation:ㅤBisexual & Demi
ㅤalignment:ㅤNeutral Good

Starting as an orphan abandoned on the gates of the castle, Kyo is a guardian from Nepulatune. Growing up with no family, she became obsessed with finding the truth of her origins- one day finding she could traverse through time. She used her one wish to meet her true family, stepping through a portal to a person with bright blue hair.She brought them back to their rightful home, yet something doesn't feel quite right.. this same person was there throughout her entire childhood in the castle, so how did any of this ever happen? Growing up alongside her mysterious friend Ukiyo, Kyo is kind and bubbly; making anyone feel welcome


Each person is both an artwork and an artist; crafted by the feelings and memories we paint on eachother.

your own canvas is unique and beautiful.


I take my commissions through my VGen, which you can click here to go to. You can also check the status of my commissions on VGen (whether they are open or closed).


All artworks have personal use, and can be used by the commissioner on social platforms or shared with credit. Commercial use depends on the commission, please check on VGen.

i do not draw



  • FERAL/FURRY (i wish i knew how to draw it, sorry)


I am weak at drawing elderly characters, characters with muscular builds, pants, shoes and complex poses.


Payment is through VGen which means with PayPal or credit card. If there should be any problems with VGen payment can be done through Ko-fi.


Artworks can have minor edits, such as cropping or filters for colour changes. If there is a mistake on the artwork, please reach out and I will fix it for you. I keep all files of previous commissions.

i do draw





I excel at drawing dresses, ribbons, detailed eyes, in vibrant colours, details in general (no wonder I'm a slow artist).

terms of service

  • Cannot use artworks for anything related to AI, stable diffusion or NFTs.

  • I am allowed to post the artwork on my page and social medias as part of my portfolio. If you require me to wait before posting please inform me!

  • You are not allowed to resell the artwork or claim it as your own work.

  • You are allowed to repost the image with credit to me (UFOkiyo).

  • Refunds will be according to where I am in the process and may be requested at any time (if I am 50% complete it is a 50% refund), however if I cannot finish the artwork for whatever reason I will offer a full refund.

Click any image to enlarge!

character reference sheet


This reference sheet I made for my character is my magnum opus at the moment. I need more practice before ever considering opening commissions for it, but I'm super proud of it!

character illustration


Unfortunately I haven't been able to draw my non-pixel style recently due to my RSI, but this is an old example! They're very fun to draw though, and maybe one day I can do commissions for them!

pixel webcore ych


This YCH allows space for aesthetics that fit your character to be shown! I find this works really cute as website decor, though I've found some clients also use it as a Twitch panel!

pixel icon ych


I wanted to solve this issue I had of wanting a cute & affordable animated profile photo for Toyhouse and Discord, this was my solution! The animation is customisable and included in the price!

pixel chibi sprite


Cute little pixel sprites that can be animated to bob up & down! All details will be simplified, but I try my best to make every character recognisable!

pixel item sprites/badges


I'm very new to creating item sprites but I'm very proud of the ones I've currently made! I hope I will be able to open commissions for them in the future!



I've created logos/watermarks before and something I always love to do is put sparkles in the letters.. it's been a while since I've made any so I may be a bit rusty!

pixel eye banner


Something very new I tried, an animated pixel eye banner! Currently trying to make more examples before I open commissions for these so that I'm more comfortable.


Each person is both an artwork and an artist; crafted by the feelings and memories we paint on eachother.

your own canvas is unique and beautiful.

Click on any question to go to the answer, a back to top button is in the bottom right of the screen!

    Q1.     is it okay to tag you in my work to bump it?

Yes, as long as it's safe for work and doesn't make me uncomfortable. I'd gladly retweet/repost or bump it. We also don't have to be mutuals but if you're not following me I most likely won't bump or retweet it. I can help retweet your posts when you open commissions or important tweets too such as ones trying to spread awareness about an art scammer or thief. I've conducted research on matters concerning both and can also help you compose a thread for them if you're not sure where to start. If you wanted me to post about something that requires more awareness please feel free to message me as I want to use my platform for good!

    Q2.     how do you write your original characters, any tips?

I always start with the design of the character as character designs can make use of "show don't tell". From communicating simple things like this character is wearing a crown, they must be royalty to more complex things like this character's eyes arch outwards to give them a wide-eyed look, they must be extraverted or a curious/excited person. There is also a rule I follow where a character with a symmetrical design would be more ordered and polite than one with an asymmetrical design, who'd be more out there and unruly; but many things in design can be up for interpretation or make use of symbolism or metaphor. For example, my persona Ukiyo's mouthlessness can be interpreted in many different ways; from fear of speaking/mutism to fear of showing others your true self (with how they hide their mouthlessness with a mask).One thing a lot of writers are concerned about are falling into clichés; but clichés aren't bad to use. It's your execution of an idea that can make it good, and clichés also leave much room to subvert expectations. (Such as making it seem like you're going to use one, but it's been flipped entirely.) Character design can communicate a lot and you can draw from it as the designer of the character or if they were an adoptable you obtained. For example, my character Amorette is meant to represent death but her personality is lively, she loves life; while Antonie who is meant to represent life has a deathly, depressing personality.When it comes to characters I always ask questions I would ask a real person since characters are meant to mimic people. What is your family like, do you get along with them? Do you work a job, how are you financially, what are your hobbies and interests? Where are you from, where do you live, who are your friends? What was your upbringing like, what shaped you to be how you are now? How do you see yourself and how to others see you?I actually made a thread on Twitter full of questions you could ask to build your original character(s) here!

    Q3.     how did you design your persona?

How did I design my main persona? I get that question a lot because many people find it hard to settle on a design for their persona. My best advice to you is that you can always have multiple personas & update their designs if you can't stick to one and that it may be best to use your favourite aesthetics. If you can't settle on something, you could always make it so your character has different forms or outfits at once! When it comes to characters there's zero limits.I'm not sure if it would help give you some insight, but here is how I initially started writing & desgining my persona. Ukiyo has always been an alien due to my trauma. They don't fit in as they are, much like me. It's one of the toughest struggles in my life so therefore it's part of my persona. So that's why I decided on them being mouthless- Ukiyo doesn't fit in because of their mutation and also finds it hard to communicate to others just like me. Ukiyo also started out as a witch because I loved magic, and I still show my love of magic on Ukiyo's design by the pentagram on their torso.I ditched the witch aesthetic and went for a more royal one as I was struggling with my self-importance. My persona's design taking this direction was me realising that I should be kinder to myself. The black wings on Ukiyo's design is supposed to remind one of bad luck, and the thorns/black spikes are supposed to represent the fear of getting close to others afraid that I may hurt them or be a bad omen. Ukiyo's dress in it's entirety is meant to represent my complexity as a person.The take away is, thread bits of yourself into your persona's design. Perhaps even let yourself make statements through those aspects. They don't have to be detailed like mine (I'm just a detailed & complex sort of person), let them reflect anything you want them to. Whether that be a mood, a phrase, personality traits you have or that you wish you had; your good or your bad side, or both. Your persona doesn't have to be your most loved character too, they don't even need to be the same gender, species or have the same appearance as you. It's what you want to be represented by.I started a character encyclopedia here that will go more in depth on my thought processes behind writing my characters, including how I wrote and designed my persona to suit me.

    Q4.     are you a vtuber?

Short answer, no, I'm not. But I aspire to become one and have assets such as a VTuber model in the works. I hope you may still accept me even if I'm not a VTuber or streamer. I will definitely support VTuber mutuals though! If I do start streaming it most will likely be a hobby that I will do for fun. I love the concept of becoming your persona/character (I already do it without needing to be a VTuber) and as someone going into a game industry I would love to stream games that deserve more recognition. I would also love to foster a loving, supportive community but I know I can do that without being a streamer!Since I am studying I do not have the free time to pursue streaming in 2024, but perhaps in 2025 I will! I think that being a VTuber that's also a writer and worldbuilder of original characters would be an interesting concept. I'm a bit introverted and it'd be a good opportunity to meet new people as well, but if I ever did start streaming I most definitely wouldn't want to leave the mutuals and friends I've already made behind. No one should feel inclined to check my streams out whenever they do happen! Since this is a future possibility my Twitch is linked at the top of this Carrd.

    Q5.     what coders would you recommend on toyhouse?

I have a favourite folder on Toyhouse with codes I'd recommend checking out right here! I would definitely recommend vicodes if you're looking for detailed codes that come with CSS! Most of his codes are pay to use though!If you need any help with Toyhouse feel free to message me, I know basic coding and can even edit profiles slightly if they need adjusting!

    Q6.     don't i know you from somewhere?

During my early days on Twitter I was around the RHTC (Royale High) Twitter community. I've since left as I had a very toxic relationship with the game keeping up with every event and collecting every item, and blame it partially for my RSI (repetitive strain injury). I do however have some assets that still remain in the game. Not only that but I've grown out of Roblox and do not want to support Roblox & the community surrounding it as a whole. I believe it's full of exploitative practices and as someone going into the game industry I rather not encourage it. If you're more interested about the subject, there's a video essay on it here. I also won't interact with any posts related to Roblox since I do not want to support it, including art posts that seek in-game currency. (I also avoid commissioning others with in-game currency as I believe artists deserve money for their work.)

    Q7.     why are you following so many people?

I simply don't want anyone to feel left out! I've felt an awkward air between me and people who don't follow me back.. but if I'm following someone problematic please do let me know! I'm following a lot of people so it's difficult for me to know or check when this occurs. I also want to make lots of friends rather than fans! I'd take friends over fans any day, and desire a stronger connection to others than just.. someone being a fan of me.I love following others because it might give them a sense of security around me and make them less scared of me (I've had others say because of the size of my account and how I type, I seem intimidating at first). I don't think I'm actually that intimidating at all though and want others to feel safe around me! It's also why you wouldn't really catch me using profanity..

    Q8.     will you commission me/promote me?

I don't commission anyone who just asks me to commission them! I have a (private) list of artists I'd like to commission one day and like to spend my money how I'd like. Of course you can recommend yourself, but if you're only around me to try earn my money or business I suggest you look elsewhere as I'd rather be seen as a human than just a customer. I'd like to be around people who are genuinely interested in me and my own creations as well! I am my own person who needs to spend money on necessities. I can help spread awareness of your commissions being open by retweeting, but obviously I can't just commission anyone and everyone.

    Q9.     where do you buy your lolita clothes?

I shop at DevilInspired, it's an online store. They seem to have promos every so often that I would recommend waiting for so that you can get free shipping.

    Q10.     can i message you for help with something?

Yes you may, but please know I may not be able to help depending on the subject. Here are a list of things I can probably help with though!Questions on how to use Toyhouse/Twitter/Bluesky/Carrd/VGen, website creation (including HTML & CSS), tips on starting/doing commissions or how to promote yourself, anything original character or design related, investigating a potential scammer/AI user, calling out/investigating art theft, looking for a trustworthy artist to commission (since I've worked with many), anything to do with my interests; or even if you need help or an opinion for something in your personal life (preferably mutuals only) I'm here!

    Q11.     why do you type with grammar?

I've had the habit of typing in grammar since I was 10 years old. I adapted to type this way since online I would try helping & guiding others in an online game, and not everyone spoke English.Typing in grammar with proper spelling became really important to me since it was the easiest to understand for both English speakers and non-English speakers who may be using a translator. I also have the habit of typing out acronyms in full and not using emojis as much. I understand my tone may be hard to read due to me using grammar, but I assure you I'm not angry or as serious as I may seem like in text and if you require me to use tone indicators when speaking to you please let me know!

    Q12.     what do you use to draw?

I use an iPad Pro and Procreate! I use Procreate also for my pixel art and animation, it supports frame-by-frame animation.

    Q13.     can we be friends?

It's difficult for me to make friends immediately since I'm introverted, but after we get to know eachother better I'd consider it!I have a lot of longtime mutuals I would definitely consider on the level of friends, but it took time to grow to that point authentically. If you want to have a chat I don't mind though, maybe we can get closer! But for me it's hard to consider who's a friend and who's not a friend unless the other person outright tells me we are. I've also been betrayed by friends in the past which might make it hard for me to trust others.

use these to scroll to points on the current page.

As I ramble on about my favourite medias and characters there may be some spoilers! Please be wary! This is where I talk about how much I love the things I'm interested in!
Tab will be updated with games and more things too, I'll be visiting this place in my free time to add more!



from the game danganronpa: trigger happy havoc.

Chihiro Fujisaki is a big comfort character of mine! He has the same weight, same height and same zodiac sign as me which is really cool! Not just that, but he's a boy who wears dresses/skirts just like me! I love how his character arc is about him finding how to be comfortable just the way he is. I see him as a strong character! Also I love programming, I used to help my own father with building PCs so that's another cool connection!


from the game magia record.

I have a cosplay of Ren Isuzu, she is an underrated side character I related greatly to in Magia Record. Sadly Magia Record was taken off the English market (I can't play it anymore), but she impacted me as a character! Her magical girl wish was to continue living after jumping off a building. She was done with watching others fighting, but after making friends she finds her place in the world begins to love life. She loves sunshine and canonically makes all her friends homemade chocolates on Valentines! She's honestly so sweet and I'd protect her with my life.


from the game raincode.

Makoto Kagutsuchi is a good person, his character arc is him wanting to protect an entire group of people who were doomed- even if it meant performing villainous acts to get there. I love his manner of speaking and his personality as it reminds me of myself! He's a bit mischievous, but very just and speaks with a refined flair. I also think his masks and long hair are very cool looking! And he's yet another short man I relate to, he's 150cm. Did I mention purple in my favourite colour? His suit is a pretty purple.


from the game fire emblem three houses.

I suppose you could say he stole my.. lin-HEART. I love Linhardt von Hevring! He's studious and takes plenty of naps, as well as fishes (which is usually my favourite mechanic in any game.. usually). He is a lover of freedom and a bit of a pacifist just like me, who often goes interest to interest just like me too! He even falls asleep when something disinterests him enough just like me. I also love his design so much.. if you couldn't tell at this point.. I really love men with long hair in character designs.


from the game fire emblem fates.

Fire Emblem Fates was one of the first video games that resonated with me. Azura absolutely enchanted me as a character, her dancing, her story and how mysterious she was captured me. Fire Emblem Fates inspired me so much to write and build my own characters, hence when I first made my persona I named her Azura as well. The cutscenes for this game were way ahead of their time for being on a 3DS. I played every single route and had every single DLC; Azura was at the centre of the entire story. Also Azura should've been the DLC emblem in Engage, not Camilla.


from the game rune factory 4.

Rune Factory 4 was another game from my childhood. Vishnal was there to say good morning to me everytime my player character woke up and he called me a princess. He's so sweet and silly, he's not the best chef (he's so horrible at cooking you'd think he's trying to poison you) but would try cook for you anyways. I just really love butlers too.. he's so sweet when you romance him, he'd defy everything he dreamt of doing just to simply be with you. He deserves all good things in life, I love you Vishnal. I'm sorry that I'm dating every other boy in the game at the same time (and it'd be every girl too if it let me). I swear that you're my canon end.


from the game jack jeanne.

Shirota Mitsuki has such a beautiful singing voice.. he's not the best at showing how he loves his friends, but it's completely obvious that he does. His outfits during the game are beautiful, as he often takes female roles or leads in the stage plays in the game. He connected with me as a singer myself, and the interactions he has with the player character are so wholesome. In the game he realises the protagonist is in fact a girl (hiding in an boys-only acting school) but takes it upon himself to play an even more convincing women to hide her secret on stage.


the magic fish

by trung le nguyen

This book by Trung Le Nguyen resonated so heavily with me as an Australian Vietnamese. The author himself is an American Vietnamese with parents who were refugees. The book is about a boy trying to teach his mother English through fairytales and trying to communicate through them him coming out. Each fairytale felt magical to read, I never knew there was a Vietnamese version of Cinderella before reading this book.The visuals were all made by Trung Le Nguyen himself and they're stunning. What impressed me the most was connecting the story of The Little Mermaid to the struggles many Vietnamese have faced- leaving their country to a whole new, more ideal world at the cost of being unable to communicate to anyone because of the language barrier.

the prince and the dressmaker

by jen wang

This book brought me to tears, it follows a genderqueer prince who loves to dress up with wigs, make-up and dresses- all the while playing the perfect prince with his family. The dressmaker is the only one who knows his true self and supports him, making his beautiful outfits. This book by Jen Wang is all about self-acceptance.I love how happy the prince is when he gets to be himself, and the flourishing friendship between him and the dressmaker. He defies everything and shows his true identity to the entire world, and becomes accepted for it. I related to it as another genderqueer person who loves to dress up. This book has made me insurmountably happy.

galaxy: the prettiest star

by jadzia axelrod

With an alien as the main character I resonated with this one a lot. It follows an alien who is one of the last remaining of her species, to protect her identity she must masquerade as a human boy on Earth and go to high school- yes, even hiding her gender. This entire book is about self-acceptance and loving ones true self.It has such bright and fun visuals. I love how the character as a teenage boy was so accepted in society, even being lead of the highschool basketball team. When she comes out as herself, it's not shown as easy at all. She gets rejected, looked down upon and even her closest friend leaves her. But she finds a girl who accepts her just as she is who loves her; even if she is an alien, even if she is a girl and even if she is queer.

use these to scroll to points on the current page.



spirity, my blue rose

thank you

my best friend


please commission

her i'm being serious

do it now or else


extremely sweet

makes me smile a lot

amazing characters


a lovely person

with beautiful art

and much comfort


precious silly

your happiness

makes me happy


you're so cool

i'm here for you

let's talk about ocs

If you wonder why you're not here it's just me being unsure if you'd want to be on here/or if you'd consider me a friend!


Thank you to those who have donated to me on Ko-fi!
You will also appear here if you decide to donate on a pay what you want shop item.


donated by anemunie
29th march 2022
during a food crisis


donated by allysaluvie_
29th march 2022
during a food crisis


by larawgqs
29th march 2022
during a food crisis


donated by valberrydaily
18th june 2024
as thanks for a pixel art brush


donated by kiyuxovt
18th january 2024
as thanks for pixel art dividers


Thank you to the people who have drawn me gifts or accepted to take on a commission from me! Any artworks of my characters are always appreciated and treasured, so thank you so much! You have helped me bring my characters to life!
Note that this section will be hard to upkeep and not everything will be here! Sorry, I'm working on it but there's a lot of artworks! Links or names might also be inaccurate if the artist leaves socials or changes their handle. You can click on the image to view it closer, but note that for format reasons they have all been cropped into squares! If you see yourself here and your username has changed feel free to contact me to change it!

2024 birthday

may 2024

[What is Ukiyo made of?]25% Undefeated Blue Rose in Glass Display Case
- There is not a trace of dust on the delicate blue rose, as if everything is still-
"I am blue rose, the mysterious blue rose."
20% Deep Sapphire named "Tears of the Deep Sea"
- Condensed in the deep sea, her tears in the shape of water droplets-
"Although the past is very sad, the tears I shed are still as bright as gems."
20% The Luminous Planet in the Universe
- Because it glows, it is easy for people to think that they are visitors from another world in the universe-
"Because I love this world, even if I come from a faraway place, I still shine."
10% The Moonlight Pouring on the Lake
- Go to that breathtakingly beautiful place, even though there is only endless moonlight-
"I like silence. Under the moonlight, I can immerse myself in my world with peace of mind."
15% Lolita Dress Charms and Ruffles
- Lolita skirt with well-proportioned stitching, decorated with white ruffles-
"I love these costumes because every dress is a collection of endless inspiration.”
10% The Relaxing Jasmine Fragrance on a Rainy Night
- What does the smell of jasmine tea remind her of?
“You can taste fresh jasmine tea tomorrow morning.”
10% Ethereal Singing in an Airtight Room
- Better than the sound of nature, this song comes from the distant depths-
"Although I have no mouth, my heart can sing."
[Ukiyo is made of these.]

by qycyorange

june 2024

july 2024

by hajarhnbl see them here!

august 2024


My home - where would I even call that?

where do i belong in this world?

An Alien's
A Timekeeper's

Sorry this section is a work in progress, it will be published in the future!